Class G, E, and D airspace: Luckily whether you have a GED or PHD, you can learn the layout of the different airspace that makes up the NAS (national airspace system). We’ll start off covering just a basic overview of class G airspace, class E airspace, and class D airspace, and leave the busier types,… Continue reading Lesson 7: The Less Busy Airspace: G, E, D Pr
Lesson Category: Private Pilot
Lesson 6: Building Good Landings Pr
Building the Perfect Landing Good News! You don’t have to be Maverick from Topgun to land like a champ! While flying a several thousand pound machine at highway speeds down onto the pavement may seem daunting, you can relax, you’re in good hands! Learning how to land, like any other complex skill learned in life,… Continue reading Lesson 6: Building Good Landings Pr
Lesson 5: Ground Reference, Maneuvers, and FARs Pr
Why reference the ground? In this lesson, we’ll focus on Ground Reference Maneuvers, as well as a few other “air work” tools you can add to your toolbox to effectively control and fly your airplane. We’ll cover: S-Turns Turns about a point Forward Slips and Side Slips A few important regulations The purpose behind all… Continue reading Lesson 5: Ground Reference, Maneuvers, and FARs Pr
Lesson 4: AOA, Stalls, and Other Scary Things Pr
In this lesson we’ll cover some of my favorite TOPICS! Angle of Attack (AOA) Stalls Intro to Weather As you advance in your training it will be time for you to explore the “backside” of the power curve, gain a better understanding of Angle of Attack and Relative Wind, and also practice stalling the airplane… Continue reading Lesson 4: AOA, Stalls, and Other Scary Things Pr
Lesson 3: Understanding the Wind and Turns Pr
Turning the Plane: In this lesson we’ll cover the basic aerodynamics of what is happening when you turn the airplane, as well as the proper procedure for executing “steep turns” with your instructor in the airplane. Understanding the Wind: We’ll also cover the basics of what you need to know for making successful crosswind takeoffs… Continue reading Lesson 3: Understanding the Wind and Turns Pr
Lesson 2: Maneuvers and the Traffic Pattern Pr
Maneuvers: In this lesson, we’ll start to talk about how to perform some of the basic maneuvers that help form the fundamental skills of flying. We’ll also cover some of the characteristics of how all airplanes fly, including topics like LEFT TURNING TENDENCIES. Traffic Pattern: In this lesson, you’ll also complete several topics about how… Continue reading Lesson 2: Maneuvers and the Traffic Pattern Pr
Written Prep Stage 4
Written Test Prep As you go through the Premium Private Pilot Ground School, you will complete extra lessons to start getting you ready for the FAA written exam. Don’t worry if some of the questions don’t make perfect sense to you just yet. At this point, we just want to introduce you to the ideas,… Continue reading Written Prep Stage 4
Written Prep Stage 2
Written Test Prep As you go through the Premium Private Pilot Ground School, you will complete extra lessons to start getting you ready for the FAA written exam. Don’t worry if some of the questions don’t make perfect sense to you just yet. At this point, we just want to introduce you to the ideas,… Continue reading Written Prep Stage 2
START HERE Sun N Fun 2018
To Get Started with the Course… Simply click on each “TOPIC” below, and mark it complete when you have finished that part of the course! It looks like this: Once you click MARK COMPLETE, it will automatically bring you to the next “TOPIC” End of Course Quiz… Once you have marked all the topics “complete”,… Continue reading START HERE Sun N Fun 2018
Hobby Airport Accident
To get started: Click on the first TOPIC below and proceed through each topic, reading, watching the videos, and answering the quiz questions. Proceed through the following TOPICs and click on the quizzes spaced throughout the course. Follow along with the accident progression and answer the questions to see how your thought process aligns with… Continue reading Hobby Airport Accident