Ready to get back out there and go fly! So as you probably already know, if you’ve been out of the game for a while, you’re going to need your flight review with an instructor. There are a couple of ways to accomplish your flight review. You could get an additional rating or certificate, such… Continue reading The Flight Review
Lesson Category: Private Pilot
Lesson 20: Test Prep Pr Copy
Time to get your Pilot Certificate! By the time you arrive here in the course I’m sure you are ready to go and get your Pilot Certificate! Over the next few topics we will give you some quick review and prep to help you with passing the written exam, as well as preparing for the… Continue reading Lesson 20: Test Prep Pr Copy
Lesson 19: Cross Country Flight Planning Pr Copy
Flying Cross Country In this LESSON we’ll cover: Airport Diagrams Cross Country Planning Making Calculations using the E6B Flight Computer Completing Navigation Logs The only time you can have too much fuel, is when you’re on fire! [sg_popup id=7]
Lesson 18: Flying at Night Pr Copy
The sun will come out tomorrow! Bet your bottom dollar that it will come out tomorrow! But, in the meantime, you’re going to have to figure out how to fly in the dark. The other option is to sleep in the cramped cockpit of that Cessna 150 you’re flying and wait for the sun to… Continue reading Lesson 18: Flying at Night Pr Copy
Written Prep Stage 4 Pr Copy
Written Test Prep As you go through the Premium Private Pilot Ground School, you will complete extra lessons to start getting you ready for the FAA written exam. Don’t worry if some of the questions don’t make perfect sense to you just yet. At this point, we just want to introduce you to the ideas,… Continue reading Written Prep Stage 4 Pr Copy
Lesson 17: Aeromedical Factors, ADM, FARS Pr Copy
Truly superior pilots are those who use their superior judgment to avoid those situations where they might have to use their superior skills.
Lesson 16: Weather Charts and Services Pr Copy
Charting Your Best Course Around The Weather In this LESSON we’ll cover the basic weather charts that you’ll be using to help plan your flights. Whether it’s checking the weather a day or two out for a planned flight, or seeing what is happening in the sky right now, we’ll go over charts and services… Continue reading Lesson 16: Weather Charts and Services Pr Copy
Lesson 15: VFR Charts and Navigation Pr Copy
Charting your path to success! There are many different charts or “maps” pilots use to find their way through the sky. You’ve already had a glimpse at what the sectional chart looks like, and some of its basic features. Over the next few TOPICS, we’ll take a closer look at it again, and some of… Continue reading Lesson 15: VFR Charts and Navigation Pr Copy
Lesson 14: Your First SOLO! Pr Copy
OMG! Why are you flying so low! Hopefully, no one is yelling that when you go for your first solo flight! Your first solo is a super exciting time, whether you are 16 years old or 60, the first time you fly an airplane without anyone else on board to be there for you is… Continue reading Lesson 14: Your First SOLO! Pr Copy
Lesson 13: Luck with Weather Pr Copy
Lucky Weather Probably not two things you’ll hear associated much in aviation. Generally, when it comes to weather, Murphy’s Law is in full effect and what can go wrong will go wrong. Check out the video above for a nice intro to weather and clouds, and then kick back and peruse through the TOPICS below… Continue reading Lesson 13: Luck with Weather Pr Copy