Weather Fronts Pr Copy

Don’t stand in front of that Front! Well actually let’s say don’t stand fly in front of that front.  A Front is a boundary or transition zone between two air masses of different densities (think oil and vinegar).  Air masses of different densities don’t mix well, thus the layer in between them is the FRONT. … Continue reading Weather Fronts Pr Copy

GPS Basics Pr Copy

Siri, navigate my plane to Key West Airport……. If only it were that easy…..but that would take a lot of the fun out of flying!  Half the fun is just getting there, so let’s take a look at how you can still have fun and get there without too much difficulty using GPS. We’ll cover… Continue reading GPS Basics Pr Copy

VFR Chart Basics Pr Copy

I love this Section(al)! Me TOO!  I mean, I love sectional charts.  The Sectional Chart or “VFR Chart” is the primary map used by VFR pilots to navigate between airports or operate out of a new or unfamiliar airport.  In this TOPIC we are going to cover the basics of using this chart so you… Continue reading VFR Chart Basics Pr Copy

Electrical System Pr Copy

Gee, that’s shocking! Let’s look a electricity in a new way.  In this TOPIC, we’ll talk about electricity as if it was water flowing through pipes instead of electrons flowing through wires.  Watch the video above, and then check out these quick cheat-sheet facts for you here: Airplanes are either 14 volt or 28 volt… Continue reading Electrical System Pr Copy

Managing Your Engine Pr Copy

You want the engine to like it’s Manager Pilot. As the PIC you are going to be doing your best to take care of your engine.  We’ll cover a few hot topics of what you should and shouldn’t do to ensure your engine runs right, as well as troubleshooting when it feels like it’s slacking a… Continue reading Managing Your Engine Pr Copy