Charting Your Best Course Around The Weather In this LESSON we’ll cover the basic weather charts that you’ll be using to help plan your flights. Whether it’s checking the weather a day or two out for a planned flight, or seeing what is happening in the sky right now, we’ll go over charts and services… Continue reading Lesson 16: Weather Charts and Services
Lesson Category: Private Pilot
Lesson 15: VFR Charts and Navigation
Charting your path to success! There are many different charts or “maps” pilots use to find their way through the sky. You’ve already had a glimpse at what the sectional chart looks like, and some of its basic features. Over the next few TOPICS, we’ll take a closer look at it again, and some of… Continue reading Lesson 15: VFR Charts and Navigation
Lesson 14: Your First SOLO!
OMG! Why are you flying so low! Hopefully, no one is yelling that when you go for your first solo flight! Your first solo is a super exciting time, whether you are 16 years old or 60, the first time you fly an airplane without anyone else on board to be there for you is… Continue reading Lesson 14: Your First SOLO!
Lesson 13: Luck with Weather
Lucky Weather Probably not two things you’ll hear associated much in aviation. Generally, when it comes to weather, Murphy’s Law is in full effect and what can go wrong will go wrong. Check out the video above for a nice intro to weather and clouds, and then kick back and peruse through the TOPICS below… Continue reading Lesson 13: Luck with Weather
Lesson 12: Weight and Balance, Navigation Systems
Not as heavy as you might have thought While weight and balance is a very important topic, it’s not as difficult as many pilots make it out to be. You’ll need to know basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, that’s it! In the next few TOPICS you will learn how to calculate weight and balance… Continue reading Lesson 12: Weight and Balance, Navigation Systems
Lesson 11: Start Your Engines: Engines, Systems, and Instruments
Knowledge is Power! Well, knowing about your engine is power anyways. And knowing about your aircraft systems and instruments is even more power! What we’re covering: Aircraft Engines Fuel Systems Electrical Systems Hydraulic Systems Instruments Inside Your Aircraft Everything About the Instrument Panel Explained The propeller is just a big fan in the front of… Continue reading Lesson 11: Start Your Engines: Engines, Systems, and Instruments
Spinning the Plane
Time to Spin it! If you choose to complete spin training with your instructor, you will have already completed thorough briefings and instruction with them. In this LESSON, check out the video above and take a few notes. This is what you can expect to be practicing with your instructor when you go up for… Continue reading Spinning the Plane
Spin Briefing
Whoa, let’s talk about this first. In the spin briefing there are some important topics to cover including: 4 left turning tendencies P-Factor Spiraling Slipstream Torque Effect Gyroscopic Precession 4 Phases of a Spin Stall Incipient Developed Recovery Angle of Attack and Relative Wind Center of Gravity Proper recovery technique for the specific airplane being… Continue reading Spin Briefing
AOA and Stalled Airflow
The Angle it Attacks Angle of Attack, or AOA as we’ll call it going forward, is technically defined as such: THE ANGLE AT WHICH THE RELATIVE WIND MEETS THE CHORD LINE OF THE WING. Now, that sounds awful fancy, so let’s break it down a bit. The Chord Line is the line that goes from… Continue reading AOA and Stalled Airflow
Lesson 10: Soft and Short Field T.O.’s + Landings
Making them short and soft: As you advance in your flying career, you will eventually want to visit some airports with shorter runways or soft runways (grass), or both. There is a special way to takeoff and land on those two types of runways compared to using a nice long paved runway you’ve probably become… Continue reading Lesson 10: Soft and Short Field T.O.’s + Landings