Hold on NOT SO FAST! And you thought you were going to have a nice easy GPS direct flight huh? Well, ATC saw your life was going nice and easy and decided to assign some holding instructions to spice things up a bit. Variety is the spice of life don’t ya know! In this lesson,… Continue reading Holding Procedures
Lesson Category: IFR
Departure and En-route Charts
How low can you go? Well, that’s not exactly the point of Low En-route Charts, but they do have lots of helpful altitudes on there to help you figure out just how low you can safely go, along with lots of other great information. In the next TOPIC we’ll cover a great refresher on what… Continue reading Departure and En-route Charts
Instrument Approaches and Plates
Cleared for what approach? In this lesson we’ll cover several different types of instrument approaches including: ILS LOC / LOC Backcourse LDA RNAV / LNAV / VNAV / LPV VOR ASR / PAR We’ll be skipping NDBs because, well, they’re old and the FAA has removed them from the testing standards. I think the waitress… Continue reading Instrument Approaches and Plates
Unusual Attitudes
Gee that’s unusual!?!?!?!!! When you find yourself in a situation like the one above it’s not really a lot of fun. Although it seems impossible to get into this sort of situation, it is actually easier than you think. A common occurrence for this is an autopilot failure at cruise flight that goes undetected, or… Continue reading Unusual Attitudes
Approach Plate Trivia
See how good your knowledge is of FAA approach plates! Using the approach plate below, answer the following questions and see how you stack up against other pilots! We recommend opening the link below in a new window so you can have the plate pulled up separately during the quiz.