- 6 months to do:
- 6 approaches
- Holding Procedures and Tasks
- Intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems
- Additional 6 months to do it with a safety pilot to “get current”
- After that needs IPC (prescribed by ACS) (61.57(d))
- Must be instrument rated to fly special VFR at Night (civil twilight to civil twilight, sun 6 degrees below horizon)
- Unless in a holding pattern of 2 minutes or less, VFR cruising altitude applies when more than 3,000ft agl, unless otherwise authorized by ATC
- Fuel requirements to point of intended landing, to alternate, and 45 mins thereafter (normal cruise speed)
- No alternate required if 1hr before and 1hr after ETA weather is forecast 2,000ft ceiling and visibility 3sm. (Ceiling is lowest layer that is “obscuring” “broken” or “OVC”)
- Alternates unless otherwise listed must have Instr Apprch Proc
- Precision 2sm-600ft
- Non-precision 2sm-800ft
- No Apprch Proc needed if at planned ETA descent can be made from MEA and landing approach completed under basic VFR
- VOR Checks
- Every 30 days
- VOT broadcasts 360 radial (reads 180 to the station) +/- 4 degrees
- Airborne check should be done over prominent landmark along designated airway at a low but safe altitude, at least 20nm from station +/- 6 degrees
- Dual VOR Check, air or ground +/- 4 degrees
- VOR ground checkpoint on ground is +/- 4 degrees
- Designated spots in Chart Supplement
- Check must be documented with:
- Date
- Place
- Bearing Error
- Signature
- Every 30 days
- Descent below MDA never
- Descent below DA/DH
- Allowed when:
- Aircraft is Continuously in a position to land normally
- Flight vis is not lower than apprch proc vis mins.
- Has at least one of the following distinctly visible to the pilot:
- Approach Light System (may not descend below 100ft above tdze using approach lights as a reference unless the red terminating bars or red side bars are also distinctly visible.
- The threshold
- The threshold markings
- The threshold lights
- The REIL
- The visual approach slope indicator
- TDZ or TDZ markings
- TDZ lights
- Runway or RWY markings
- RWY lights
- Allowed when:
- Cannot land operating under 91,121,125,129,135 when flight vis less than mins.
- Must execute a missed approach immediately when:
- A/C is below MDA
- Upon arrival at DH/DA when above items are not in view, or when view is lost
- Whenever an identifiable part of the airport is not distinctly visible during a circling maneuver at or above MDA, unless the loss of sight results only from normal bank of the aircraft during the approach.
- Takeoff Minimums
- Applies to parts 121,125,129,135 not part 91 opps
- If RVR mins are prescribed for takeoff or landing, but not available for intended use RWY, RVR can be converted using table in 91.175(h)(2)
- Must maintain last assigned altitude when being vectored for approach until on published portion of the approach
- No Procedure turns unless cleared by ATC or Apprch Proc
- Outer Marker can be replaced by PAR, Compass Locator, ASR, DME, VOR, or RNAV
- EFVS can allow descents below DH/DA and MDA
- Cannot operate under IFR:
- Below MOCA
- Below MEA when more than 22nm from VOR when using VOR Navigation
- Below 2,000ft above highest obstacle within 4nm radius of flight path in Mountainous areas
- Below 1,000 above the highest obstacle within 4nm radius of flight path in non-mountainous areas.
- Climb to a higher min IFR altitude shall begin immediately passing point at which higher altitude begins, except when ground obstructions intervene; the point at which higher altitude applies should be crossed at applicable MCA
- IFR Altitudes
- In controlled airspace must maintain assigned alt by ATC, unless “VFR on Top” then appropriate VFR cruise ALT
- Except in holding pattern or 2mins or less; when below 18,000ft, maintain odd thousands eastbound and even thousands westbound (0-179, 180-359 magnetic)
- IFR Comms – Must Report
- Required Reporting Points, time passing and ALT
- Unforecast weather conditions
- Any other information pertinent to the safety of the flight
- IFR Comm Failures
- If in VFR conditions at time of failure, or VFR conditions encountered, continue flight under VFR
- If in IFR conditions
- Last Assigned, if radar vectored then by the direct route from point of failure to fix, route, or airway specified in the vector clearance
- In absence of assigned route, use expected
- In absence of both above, then filled route
- Highest of the following:
- MEA for route flown, Assigned, Expected
- Malfunction Reports
- Shall report as soon as practical malfunctions of:
- Navigational, Approach, Communications Equipment
- Must include when making report:
- A/C Identification
- Equipment Affected
- Degree to which capability of pilot to operate in IFR system is impaired
- Nature and extent of assistance desired from ATC.
- Shall report as soon as practical malfunctions of:
- Required Instruments are same as for night VFR flight plus:
- 2 way radio
- Gyro Rate of Turn
- Slip Skid
- Sensitive Altimeter adjustable for Baro Pressure
- Clock with HH:MM:SS with second hand or digital presentation
- Generator/Alternator of adequate capacity
- Gyro Pitch and Bank (AI)
- Gyro Directional Ind. (DG, HSI)
- Opps above FL240 require DME or RNAV