Proceeding with the Hold
When you get holding instructions, they will always specify the
- radial to hold on
- leg length
- direction of turns (by ATC not mentioning the turn direction, it means they want standard right turns)
- and an EFC time
We’ll go ahead and take a look below at some examples of how a hold entry and the whole procedure will look (establishing yourself in the hold based on ATC’s instructions)
Cessna 8MA, hold north on the 360 radial of the Sarasota VORTAC, 1 minute legs, Expect Further Clearance at 1253Z, time now 1240Z
Cessna 8MA, hold north on the 150 radial of the Sarasota VORTAC, 5 mile legs, left turns, Expect Further Clearance at 1253Z, time now 1240Z
Holding Pattern Limits
- 0-6,000ft msl 200knots
- 6,001msl-14,000 msl 230knots
- 14,001 msl+ 265knots
- Slow to holding speed 3 mins prior to crossing the holding fix
- At or below 14,000’ msl 1min
- Above 14,000’ msl 1.5min