Time to Fly! (almost) Highspeed taxiing is the same as regular taxiing, simply done on the runway, with a little more power, and moving faster to get you used to the control feel at higher speeds you will eventually be landing at. While you perform this during every normal takeoff, the point of this maneuver… Continue reading Highspeed Taxiing Pr Copy
Topic Tag: taxi
Highspeed Taxiing Pr
Time to Fly! (almost) Highspeed taxiing is the same as regular taxiing, simply done on the runway, with a little more power, and moving faster to get you used to the control feel at higher speeds you will eventually be landing at. While you perform this during every normal takeoff, the point of this maneuver… Continue reading Highspeed Taxiing Pr
Highspeed Taxiing
Time to Fly! (almost) Highspeed taxiing is the same as regular taxiing, simply done on the runway, with a little more power, and moving faster to get you used to the control feel at higher speeds you will eventually be landing at. While you perform this during every normal takeoff, the point of this maneuver… Continue reading Highspeed Taxiing