Premium Ground School This Course is available to members who purchase a one-time activation code. Your access to the course is valid for one year. You will be able to skip through the Course without having to progress through each lesson in order, and will not have to wait for the lesson timer to allow you… Continue reading 2019 Private Pilot Ground School Premium
Course Tag: checkride
2019 Commercial Pilot ASEL Checkride Prep Boot Camp
This Checkride Prep Course Will:
Prepare you for the Oral Exam
Show you complete Commercial Pilot Oral Exams so you can see exactly what questions are asked and what to expect
Give you a condensed “cheat sheet” to study from to keep it all as simple as possible
Demonstrate the Maneuvers you will have to fly for your Commercial Pilot Checkride
Prepare you for exactly what to expect on the day of your Checkride