Slow Flight

Topic Progress:

Flying Slow:

During slow flight you will develop the skills to fly the airplane at slow speeds, similar to the speeds during the most critical phases of flight, takeoff, and landing.

Pay particularly close attention to keeping the airplane “coordinated” or, in other words, keep it flying straight and compensate for the left turning tendencies that are being introduced at slower speeds.  (you “keep it coordinated” using the rudder”, your instructor will demonstrate this for you.)


The safe altitudes to do this are at least 1,500′ agl dual (with an instructor), and 2,000′ agl solo.

Always perform clearing turns before starting this or any maneuver.

You want to keep a speed 5-10 knots above your stalling speed, and not set off the stall warning device (either the red light or horn, whatever the airplane is equipped with).  If you hear the horn or see the light, simply release some back pressure on the yoke promptly to reduce the angle of attack and keep the airplane flying.

The New Way To Do Slow Flight

The FAA has new standards effective in 2017 for Slow Flight, Check out the video below to see what the new standards they’re looking for are.

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